Thursday, January 27, 2005

Who? What?

Just playing around with this. I have another blog that I actually post to, fortunately or unfortunately people actually read it. People I know and care about so I can not actually say anything that I am thinking or feeling on it. So I guess this would be more of a journal than a blog.

Lets see, so I need to decide if I am writing to anyone, or writing to myself, or for myself. I think I will do a mixture of both. So first off if anyone reads this, this is who I am. A guy heading towards middle age, married, with children. Not quite Al Bundy. More hair (for now), no beer belly, and hopefully a better parent. Been married for 10 years, have some great kids, but as with everything nothing is perfect. Maybe thats what life is meant to be imperfect. A journey to an end neither of which is exactly what you are expecting.

I work a regular ole geeky computer job, cause I am a regular ole computer geek. I have friends, a few, well okay less than a handful, at least friends that I think would be there if I needed them. One of them is my wife's best friend, whom is exactly that, my wife's best friend. Another is a good friend of mine, well good in that we would be there to help each other out but not like either us really knows the other that well. Typical guy friendship I guess. Then I have another friend, someone whom I think knows me pretty well, not perfectly, but I am not sure how there they would be for me if I needed them. I think a lot of that friend but really have no idea what they think of me...

Time for a quick stop...


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