Thursday, February 03, 2005


Been a couple of days since a post. Not really had much to say, things are going okay. Well things are just going along, no change, I guess thats okay, a lack of deterioration is probably a good thing right. Unless of course you are already at your worst, then well I suppose its not a good thing.

My wife has always claimed, and I have no idea if this is correct, but I am guessing that it is, that some large percentage of marriages end in divorce due to money. That the couple is always fighting about money and thats the reason things end. I can believe that, but I am also thinking the next highest thing has got to be sexual compatibility. Hmmm well at least in couples under 60, though I wonder what the divorce statistics for those over 60 are. I am guessing not as high.

The reason I mention this is the problem that we have, is actually both of these, money and sex. See I am pretty conservative money wise, a penny saved is a penny for another day, when you could really use it. Like really bad. Oh I am not unreasonable, I like to get "things" too. I just also like to have things planned out a bit more and have a nice cushion. My wife is more of the opinion, if I have it spend it, cause tomorrow I could die. Kind of different philosophies. We have gotten by for over 10 years but man its made for some rough times. On the sex side, we are just not as compatible as we were. Before marriage, man it was great, but we both young, and well its always great when you are young right? Then kids happened, and things slowed down. And now we are done with the kids, and well its pretty much stopped. Oh once every 3 or 4 weeks, but when you really want 2-3 times a week still, that just does not cut it. I will not say that we were always compatible, heck I have always probably been a bit more cutting edge than she. More willing to go down the kinky side of the street.

I do not remember if I mentioned this before but I should have taken it as a sign, way back when, like maybe even before we were married my wife asked me "Would you want to divorce me if I decided I never wanted to have sex again." I said no, but I guess I should have paid more attention.

And the reason I mention this is man do I think about sex tons. I suppose you always want what you cannot have, but man noticing attractive women is getting to be all I do. There were two blonde ladies at work in the cafe at lunch, very attractive, and oh the things I could do... There is this blonde who works on my floor, the face of Jennifer Tilly, with a body thats got a wicked punch. As far as I can its not wrong to notice them, I mean its not like I have ever even said "Hi." to them. The only place I am guessing I am possibly crossing the line is having repeated thoughts about real people that I actually know and would want. Blah enough for now I am getting depressed.


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