Monday, February 07, 2005

What is regret Alex?

Its the feeling you are left with when there are things you would have said or done differently. But really its too late to change what was already done. The worst regrets that you will have are the regrets that you did not do something when you could have. At least thats what I feel. I have tons of those. I should have said this to her. I should have done that. I should have enjoyed that more. I should have realized how short a time it would be. That is not how you want things to go. So if you can realize that the younger you are, and start with the idea that in 10 years you do not want to be looking back and saying, "Man I should have gone to that party." Then start it now. Get your horses going. Do it, ask that woman out. Take a chance be remembered instead of being forgotten. Give yourself the option of taking the bull by the horns.

So that when you are at the end you are not left with just regrets, but memories. Thats what you should have.


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