Sunday, February 20, 2005


I am so frustrated. My wife said earlier in the week she would like to plan a "project" of getting more time and having some nice fun, interesting, erotic foreplay. Great, awesome, thats happened like once in the last year, if that. Sex is pretty much 1, 2, 3 for her. Same steps, and finish at the same place. But I had no faith that anything would happen. Well I was right, last night, at about nine she says, I am going to have some ice cream and a bath, then go to bed. Exactly what I expected, so I draw her bath for her and she proceeds to do that. I go to bed myself at 11, try to be very quiet, get in bed. And she wakes up. Then she goes on and says to me while she tries to go to sleep that she thinks that I am not attracted to her anymore. Gesh, she is the one that blew ME off. I do not get it. If anything she has no passion for me, and has not for years...


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