Saturday, February 12, 2005


Its the weekend already. Been a long, boring day. Tomorrow I work in the morning. During the week I am anxious for the weekend, time off, resting, relaxing. Why is it that its never as good as I hope, and come Saturday night I am waiting for Monday. This weekend is no different. My wife asked for her present to be a clean and picked up upstairs. So I spent the day giving it to her, or at least trying to. Kids rooms are picked up, two of three bathrooms are cleaned, and our room is picked up, clothes put away. I hope she likes it. I hope she feels she got what she wanted. I am not expecting anything myself, in fact I really do not want anything. I can guess what she would want to give me, and its not what I want. And if I were to say that it would not end up well at all.
I sometimes wonder what life would belike if I had made different decisions. Gone with different paths.
There is a song that goes "There's still time to change the road you're on." I suppose there is but that does not mean that its easy to do so. Or that it would not be a lonely path.


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