Friday, February 11, 2005

Its all just ones and zeros...

I think I am a lot better with computers than people. Thats my forte, thats what I do, heck its probably why I got into it. Give me a computer that has a malfunction and I can figure it out. Its easy, there are set of things that could be wrong, you know what the different options are and you plug them in. People are not at all like that, and I really do not get them, do not know how to work with them or to solve the problems. There are no answers that I can see, and it gets to be frustrating and sad. If you just keep staring at a problem and you cannot get it fixed or solved, it just gets more and more frustrating and aggravating.
I am sitting here staring at a set of problems that I have been looking at for years, and I feel like I will be looking at it for years to come. Sometimes I think the only solution will be when we are old and one of us goes. I am too weak to call it quits and I honestly do not think she will. We both are not what we could be, what we want to be. She could have been really happy really satisfied with someone else. Someone who listened better, who talked better, who was more what she wanted. I listen and I talk but not about what she cares about what she wants what she desires.
Some days are just so damn depressing. Some days just get you down wondering if there is anything that will change.
I do not want to be my parents, who at 35, 40, 50 years together are together, because well what else were they supposed to do? I do not want to be that, but I think I will be. I married for life, fully planning for that to be it, but fully planning to be happy in it.


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