Wednesday, February 16, 2005


I am so tired lately. Unlike most people I need 8 hours of sleep, well actually at least 7 hours of sleep. Going to bed at midnight and getting up at 5:30 is just not cutting it. Even going to bed earlier to make up for a few days of that does not seem to fix it. Or maybe I am depressed. Suppose thats possible too. Would not be the first time. Valentines day was a lot of nothing. I had hoped to pick up the ring that I had gotten for my wife, unfortunately the store closed early. See I do love my wife, I am just not in love with her. As she has said at times before we feel more like best friends than lovers or a couple. I suppose that happens after a time. Its just not very satisfying. I have found a few blogs that deal with people having affairs or getting a divorce. Their worlds seem so foreign.


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