Total ramblings

Friday, March 25, 2005

What I want to say...

My friend, used to always brag about when she got some from her bf. She has not done it recently. I think she got some last night. I wish she would brag, cause I have the perfect response now.

Did he kiss you so passionately you thought he would suck the breath out of you? Did he run his hand under your shirt and pinch your nipples till you could not stop trembling in pleasure and pain? Did he throw you down on the bed and rip off your pants, then eat you like an ice cream on a hot summer day. Did he lick and suck your clit till the juice poured off his chin, while his fingers tickled your insides? Did he turn you over and fuck you like bull in heat, each thrust trying to go deeper, so that when he came his cum would never be able to find its way out. Did he leave you exhausted, and content? If not, I would have.

I so want to tell her that...

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


So its now been two weeks since I got my raise and bonus. I still have yet to tell my wife. I do not know why, there have been opportunities to do it, but I just have not. Am I secretly desiring for something to happen so I can do something with it that I want to. Do I want to run away and am planning on using that as my seed money? I don't know but I really should do something with it, its really silly to just keep walking around with a check, and eventually I am guessing she will notice the difference in my pay check.

So a couple of weeks back I brought up the whole lack of sex thing, told her I figured she was not interested in me at all. Of course she turns around and says no thats not true at all I am the only man she can think of now. Not sure if I believe that, and of course she has to say she is sure that I look at other women and she understands that. Gesh talk about attempted guilt trip. Well it did not really work. I told her I really wished we had intimacy more. She said she did too. And of course we fooled around that night. Then her "friend" came for her monthly visit, and nothing. Then a really good night, and well nothing much since. I don't know, what more can I do but say the problem, say what I want, and work to change it but get nothing.

Once, we both were to write up a list of things we wanted to try. I wrote up my list and showed her. She seemed to get bothered, never wrote up her list, and that was the end of that. I did not think I was that wakko...

On a side note, the friend I have mentioned before, appears to be getting more interested in S&M at least some of the minor bits of it. She has found a few blogs she likes that detail some minor master slave relationships. So I went out and bought her Beauty's Punishment by Anne Rice. I have not read it myself but I have heard its good, at least a good bit of erotica. I mailed it off. If my wife found out she no doubt would assume the worst and flip out. And not sure I would mind. Oh well enough for now.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005


Did not realize it had been so long since a post. Not much to update. I talked to my wife about our situation in bed, and I suppose it got better, we've had sex twice in two weeks. Not exactly the full result I wanted but it was better and more interesting then its been a while.

One thing of note, I have gotten a raise and a bonus, and I do not know why, but I have yet to tell my wife... For some reason I just keep putting it of, I assume I have a reason... Maybe I just am afraid that she will spend us into oblivion...

More later... Like maybe how I think that if given the chance I would jump at sleeping with that friend of mine, just cause I still cannot get her out of my mind. Even though that probably would have dire consequences... I would no care...