Saturday, May 21, 2005


Just keeps going into the future...

Yeah been a while since I posted, maybe I got sick of whining. I dunno, but here I am again. Saw my friend, yeah that one. First time I had seen her in like 3 years, silly thing we went to the opening night of Star Wars. What a geeky thing to do. She looked great, her bf looked nicer than I remembered him. Maybe I remembered him as scummy just cause I was jealous. Not sure. Forgot how energetic she was, how full of life and energy. She still looks good, has not changed much in 3 years. I so could keep falling for her, luckily she is the smarter of the two of us.

Tonight I had to lie to my wife. She was away for a couple days and I was home with the kids. She wanted to cuddle, so we did and she says "I missed you." So I felt I had to say "I missed you too." But well, I enjoyed her being away, time to myself, having the kids. And well it was only a couple of days, and I didn't. I really just didn't miss her. *sigh*


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